Lunes, Nobyembre 12, 2012

Project Profile of Mountain House Baguio Subdivision

(image from


Location Barangay Irisan, Baguio City
Offering Development (with a variety of units to choosen from)
Property Type House + Lot
Transaction For Sale
Asking Price P 386,400 ~ P 690,690
Lot Area 80 m² ~ 143 m²
Floor Area 54 m² ~ 68 m²
Terms Negotiable

Price/Lot Area P 4,570/m² ~ P 5,220/m²
Price/Floor Area P 34,000/m² ~ P 37,500/m²

License to Sell No. 23331 / 23333 (SUSPENDEDvisit HLURB Forum
Certificate of Registration No. 22064 / 22066 
Location: Purok 2, Brgy. Irisan, Baguio City
750 mtrs from Naguilian Road
6 kms from Baguio City Hall
Gross Area: Phases 1 & 2 Phases 3 Phases 4
72,313 sq.m. 20,301 sq.m. 28,295 sq.m.
Total No. of Lots: 464 Lots 136 lots 184 lots
Available Lots: 58 Lots 67 lots 184 lots
Lot Areas: 80, 90, 100 sq.m. Up
Roads: Main Road: 10 mtrs wide
Secondary Roads: 8 mtrs wide
Future Expansion: 2.1+ has.
Landscaped Grand Entrance Gate Concrete Roads, Curves and Gutters 24-hours Security Service
Clubhouse and Multi-Purpose Hall Centralized Water System
Swimming Pools (Adult & Kiddie) Underground Drainage System
Theme Park W/ Available Electrical Facilities
Basketball / Tennis Courts Promenade Trees along Sidewalks

Prices for Lot Sales Only: P 4,200.00/sq.m. – P 4,950.00/sq.m. (Phases 3 & 4)
P 4,570.00/sq.m. – P 5,480.00/sq.m. (Phases 1 & 2)
Mode of Payments: (Sample Computation)
1. Term Payment Thru In-House Financing:
Reservation – Five Thousand (P 5,000.00) Pesos good for thirty (30) days. Non-refundable.
Twenty-Four (24%) Percent Down Payment – flexible payment terms w/ post-dated checks.
Seventy-Six (76%) Percent – payable w/in a period of five (5) years or seven (7) years.
Ph 4 Blk 2 Lot 3
Lot Area: 80 sq.m.
Price/sq.m.: P 4,200.00/sq.m.
Total Contract Price: P 336,000.00
Less: 5% Discount Promo P 16,800.00
Discounted TCP P 319,200.00
24% Down: P 76,608.00
Breakdown of Down Payments:
Payment Term 12 months 10 months 8 months 6 months
Discount from DP None One (1%) Two (2%) Three (3%)
Amount of Discount P 00.00 P 766.08 P 1,532.16 P 2,298.24
Total Down Payment P 76,608.00 P 75,841.92 P 75,075.84 P 74,309.76
Less Reservation P 5,000.00 P 5,000.00 P 5,000.00 P 5,000.00
Net Down Payment P 71,608.00 P 70,841.92 P 70,075.84 P 69,309.76
Monthly Payment P 5,967.33 P 7,084.19 P 8,759.48 P 11,551.63
76% Balance: P 242,592.00
5 Years Monthly Amortization at 15% int. p.a. P 5,771.25 (0.0237899301 - fixed factor)
7 Years Monthly Amortization at 16% int. p.a. P 4,818.38 (0.0198620639 - fixed factor)
Discounts on Cash Down Payment:

Payment Period 24%DP 30% DP 40% DP 50%DP
Cash DP w/in 7 Days: Less 8% Less 8.5% Less 9% Less 10%
Cash DP w/in 30 Days: Less 6% Less 6.5% Less 7% Less 8%
Cash DP w/in 60 Days: Less 5% Less 5.5% Less 6% Less 7%
2. Deferred Cash:
Deferred Cash w/in One (1) Year – payable in twelve (12) equal payments w/out interest, less
3% discount from the Total Contract Price.

Ph 4 Blk 2 Lot 3
Lot Area: 80 sq.m.
Price/sq.m.: P 4,200.00/sq.m.
Total Contract Price: P 336,000.00
Less: 5% Discount Promo P 16,800.00
Discounted TCP P 319,200.00
Less: 3% Discount: P 9,576.00
Net Total Contract Price: P 309,624.00
Less reservation: P 5,000.00
TCP Balance: P 304,624.00
12 Equal Monthly Payments w/out interest – P 25,385.33 (Must be covered w/ 12 PDCs)

Deferred Cash w/in Two (2) Years – payable in twenty-four (24) monthly payments w/out interest.
Ph 4 Blk 2 Lot 3
Lot Area: 80 sq.m.
Price/sq.m.: P 4,200.00/sq.m.
Total Contract Price: P 336,000.00
Less: 5% Discount Promo P 16,800.00
Discounted TCP P 319,200.00
Less reservation: P 5,000.00
TCP Balance: P 314,200.00
24 Equal Monthly Payments w/out interest – P 13,091.67 (Must be covered with 24 PDCs)

3. Cash Sales:
Cash Sale within 7 days: Less 8% Discount from TCP
Cash Sale within 30 days: Less 6% Discount from TCP
Cash Sale within 60 days: Less 4% Discount from TCP
Note: With 10% retention, payable when transfer certificate of title is ready for release.
Lot Sales
Reservation: P 5,000.00 Good for 30 days (non-refundable)
Down Payment: 24% Flexible Payment Terms.
Balance: 76% Payable in 1 or 2 years at 0% interest
Payable in 5 years at 15% interest
Payable in 7 years at 16% interest
Rebates Upon issuance of post-dated checks for the down payment plus:
P 10,000.00 Twelve (12) PDCs (1 yr to pay)
P 8,000.00 Twenty-four (24) PDCs (2 yrs to pay)
P 6,000.00 Sixty (60) PDCs (5 yrs to pay)
P 5,000.00 Eighty-four (84) PDCs (7 yrs to pay)

Note: PDCs should be issued within thirty (30) days from date of reservation.
1. Monthly Amortization to start thirty (30) days after the date of complete payment of full down payment.
2. Payments shall be payable to Bi-Centennial Development Inc.
3. Payments are accepted at any Bi-Centennial Development, Inc. Offices or at BPI Branches:
Buyers can pay at any BPI Branch by depositing the amount to BCDI’s Current Account No. 4330-0006-06 BPI Acropolis Branch. After depositing the amount, he/she must send the following information:
to cell phone no. (0919) 4785721 or thru landline nos. 687-4050 or 687-3105 and once verified, the Company will prepare and send the Official Receipt by mail or may be picked up by authorized personnel from the BCDI office. If payment is in check, BANK, BRANCH & CHECK NO. must also be indicated. Official Receipts will be issued once checks have been cleared.
4. Delayed payment/s shall be charged with three (3%) percent penalty per month or a fraction thereof, compounded monthly. 

6 km. from Baguio City Hall, 750 meters from naguilian road 

Security This property is in a gated community with 24 hour security.
Neighborhood Area Urban residential
Proximity to...
General Hospital

30 min
Downtown Area

15 min

2 hrs
Shopping Mall

15 min
Police Station

10 min
Fire Station

30 min
Domestic Airport

4 hrs
International Airport

4 hrs

Building Structure
Height 2 floors
Construction Concrete
Strength Other
Garage (Fully Enclosed) - 1 Slot
3 Bedrooms
2 Bathrooms (Toilet + Bath)
1 Bathroom (Bath Only)
2 Bathrooms (Toilet Only)
Shared Amenities
Club House
Security Guards
Swimming Pool
Garden Medium - green patch
Swimming Pool None
Wheelchair Access Yes

Sabado, Nobyembre 10, 2012

City folks charge NCIP for illegal CALT issuance, location of Mountain House Baguio

Click Here: City folks charge NCIP for illegal CALT issuance

City folks charge NCIP for illegal CALT issuance

by Press Release

The National Commission on Indigenous Peoples was lambas-ted for issuing a Certificate of Ancestral Land Title (CALT) to Ibalois from Koronodal, South Cotabato, SOCCSARGEN who were never in possession of a 7.2-hectare property in Irisan.

A complaint filed with the Regional Trial Court of Baguio City said the NCIP has given the go signal to sell the property as a housing subdivision without the necessary permits from the Housing Land Use and Regulatory Board and the City Building and Architectural Office.

“It is so dreadful that the NCIP is a government agency tasked to recognize ancestral claims, and award these lands to those who are deserving, yet, the NCIP, in the instant case, failed its mandate, and worst, has perpetrated fraud and continues perpetrate fraud in dispossessing the genuine owners of the land through its inefficient and sloppy acts,” the complaint reads.

Filed by Elmo Sano Sr., Heirs of Arceso Copero and Julia Biase, the complaint said NCIP was faulted for awarding the property to the Heirs of Anthony Arciso, even if they were never in possession of the property.

The NCIP, Sano said, ignored their vast improvements in the area, and depended on an old survey plan. The NCIP, through Gladys Lasdacan, then had this survey plan reconstructed, even if this was non-existent in the files of the Land Registration Authority.

An earlier case was filed protesting the issuance of the CALT to the South Cotabato residents, but NCIP slept on it for six long years. Then without conducting any hearings, the NCIP issued a resolution maintaining the CALT, even while the protest was pending. Sano added that his neighbors asked NCIP to issue a TRO in 2007 to stop Bi-Centennial Development Inc. from bulldozing their vegetable gardens but the NCIP failed to act on their request and their vegetable gardens were reduced to rubble.

Sano, quoting one of the authors of the Indigenous Peoples Rights Act, added that the law was passed to rectify the previous sins in oppressing indigenous people/indigenous cultural communities. “The NCIP, however, which is supposed to stop this insidious conspiracy, continues to be an indispensable party to this insidious conspiracy against ICCs/ IPs,” the complainants said.

Besides requesting that the CALT be cancelled, Sano also requested for the cancellation of the Joint Venture Agreement which aims to turn the agricultural property into a subdivision as the IPRA prohibits the selling of ancestral lands. The residents intend to file criminal and administrative charges against the NCIP executives for fraudulently issuing the CALT with the Ombudsman next week.

See Full Article Here:


"In this CALT, the Mountain House Baguio Subdivision were being build and sold with non-IPs. 

The License to Sell was suspended because of its nature and a Moratorium was issued for LTS application of ancestral land."

Huwebes, Nobyembre 8, 2012

Mountain House Baguio - NO LICENSE TO SELL

Mountain House Baguio Subd. in Irisan, Baguio City, a project of Bi-Centennial Dev't. Inc. but has NO LICENSE TO SELL (LTS).

It was suspended by the HLURB due to its nature - an Ancestral Land only for indigenous people protected by IPRA Law.

A Moratorium was issued for LTS of Ancestral Land also by the HLURB signed by Vice Pres. Binay.

This parcel of land was being sold to non-members of the indigenous people, in violation of the IPRA Law.

 Please refer to the link of Board Resolution No: 885: 

     You can also directly contact the HLURB Northern Luzon Region at (074)442-5338 or via e-mail: and for further clarifications.